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Close collaboration delivers the right high-speed door solution for Recticel Insulation

Union Industries has demonstrated the collaborative approach it delivers for the specification and installation of its high-speed roller doors with a project for Recticel Insulation.

The construction insulation materials manufacturer engaged with Union Industries as part of a lengthy and detailed specification programme to replace three existing roller doors fitted within an extension to its factory in Stoke.

These doors were proving costly to run, particularly because of forklift truck damage, which impacted productivity and caused heat loss in the warehouse. This was made worse by the doors being out of operation for long periods when deliveries of replacement parts were delayed.

Having previously supplied other Recticel sites with industrial rapid roll doors, Union Industries stepped up to the collaboration following the appointment of a new Project Engineer at Recticel Insulation – Emin Kaya, who had been charged with delivering continuous improvement onsite.

Working with Emin and the Warehouse Manager, Steve Proctor, Union Industries’ Technical Sales Engineer, Rob Howe helped devise an effective solution. This led to Recticel specifying three highly robust Ramdoors from its range, suitable for external openings requiring a rapid opening and closing operation.

In addition, to overcome issues of regular forklift truck impact to the previous doors, Union’s Technical Sales Engineers and Installation Engineers contributed to the design of a new warehouse layout and door approach system. This rectified the risk of the doors not opening in time for the approaching traffic.

Emin Kaya, Project Engineer at Recticel Insulation, said: “To ensure that we were not faced with the same challenges seen with the original doors, it was essential that we sourced the most robust and effective solution possible. By working closely with Union Industries, we not only acquired three of their Ramdoors, but we also collaborated on how to improve site operations. This was an excellent experience.”

Steve Proctor, Warehouse Manager at Recticel Insulation, said: “The professionalism demonstrated by Emin along with Rob and the team from Union Industries has been second to none and seamless in terms of service impact.”

Rob Howe, Technical Sales Engineer at Union Industries, said: “This project is a perfect example of why our customers choose Union Industries above and beyond the quality of our doors and their well-proven capabilities. Recticel’s positive experience of our doors on their other sites was a key factor, as is our ongoing support through our Lifetime Warranty scheme which provides confidence for our customers.

“This level of service alongside our appropriate project management enabled Recticel Insulation’s warehouse operations to continue to be highly effective with minimal disruption. It highlights the customer engagement and problem solving we provide throughout the process, which is a critical element of how we operate and an important aspect to maintain when designing, manufacturing, and installing our range of high-speed doors.”